Mount-ntfs and UFSRead
What is it ?
This project consists of two tools:
- mount-ntfs is a tool that allows mounting NTFS partitions
read-only under Solaris
- ufsread is a tool that allows reading Solaris UFS partitions
from Windows (NT/2K/XP but not 3.x/9x/ME).
The project summary page on SourceForge is:
You use this program on your own risk !!!
Developers wanted
As all freeware projects this project needs developers that want
to join the project!
Contact me!!!
Theory of operation
Mount-ntfs is a tool that allows mounting NTFS partitions or file
system image files read-only under Solaris.
To do so the tool provides an NFS network file server that takes
its data from an NTFS partition or from an image file instead of taking
it from a "real" (mounted) file system.
Then the network share is mounted using mount_nfs.
Limitations and bugs
- The tool has not really been tested so bugs
have not been found yet.
- The limits are not known yet; file size: 2GB ??
- "root" access is required to run the tool.
Revision history
Fixed a bug: readdir() will now return the inode number
of a file returned.
This is necessary for "bash" when using wildcards.
Theory of operation
UFSread is a graphical tool that allows listing files in an UFS
partition. "Downloading" files from the UFS partition to the
Windows file system is also possible.

I begun to include a CIFS network server so really mounting the UFS
partition as network share may be possible in the future.
If you wish to continue work on the CIFS server: The server is
implemented in the file "cifs.c"; "#define DOES_NOT_HAVE_MOUNTING"
must be removed in the global header file.
Limitations and bugs
- The tool has not really been tested so bugs
have not been found yet.
- The file size is limited to 2GB.
- Hard disk access in Windows 3.x/9x/Me differs from hard disk
access in Windows NT/2K/XP. Only the NT method is supported.
Therefore the program does not work under 3.x/9x/Me.
- The block sizes are not taken from the superblock but the
"default" block sizes are taken. Therefore not all partitions may
work and reading the boot slices of bootable Sparc CD-ROMs is not
possible, yet.
- "Administrator" access is required to run the tool.
Device Mount GUI

First of all:
The device mount GUI has nothing to do with UFS or
The device mount GUI is a tool that allows you easiely mounting
hard disk partitions on Windows XP if you have the matching
file system driver.
It may be used together with
"ext2fsd", an EXT2
file system driver for Windows 2000/XP.
Unlike the tools that come with EXT2FSD this tool will mount
the partition globally (for all users of a system) and not only
for the user calling the program (useful if you start the
program using "Run as...").
The reason why I put this program here is simple: I think it
would be useful to write an "sol86fsd" driver based on the
"ext2fsd" driver - a Solaris UFS driver for Windows
(I think the driver will not work under Vista. :-( )
A (in the first version read-only) driver for Solaris file
systems for Windows 2000/XP.
This is only an idea for now...
A file named "/x/y/z" would be mapped to "s:\Slice0\x\y\z".
The "Slice0" directory is necessary because a Solaris
partition typically contains multiple slices but Windows
can only mount complete partitions!
This is a variant of mount_ntfs for mounting Linux EXT2
partitions under Solaris (read-only). The program is
operated the same way as mount_ntfs with the following
exceptions for the options:
This option does not exist (makes
no sense for EXT2 partitions)
-uid UID
All files have this UID.
The UID must be numeric. Default: Use the UID from the
EXT2 partition.
-gid GID
All files have this GID.
The GID must be numeric. Default: Use the GID from the
EXT2 partition.
Use the access mask 0444 for files
and 0555 for directories.
NFS server for Windows
A very simple NFS server for windows. Useful to transfer
data between different computers (you may also use Samba)
or when using Solaris in a virtual machine environment
(such as VMware ®)
Note: The program is named "NFS server for Windows",
not "winnfs" which is the name of a commercial NFS
server. Only the directory (internal package name) and
the ZIP file are named "winnfs" for an internal